Jòia by Hélène Darroze : Le livre de Hélène Darroze
"Cooking is living... and living is cooking'... This motto has guided me my whole life, and today more than ever, it is at the very heart of my approach as a woman and a chef. So after 25 years of wonderful gastronomic moments, I wanted to create a new restaurant, find an exceptional location, open to the city, open to life; a neighbourhood address encouraging encounters and sharing, confidences as well as bursts of laughter; a house of taste that combines rigour and simplicity, small plates from here and delights from elsewhere, grandmothers' recipes and haute-couture cocktails; an epicurean and elegant living environment in which everyone very simply feels good.'
H. D.
Hélène Darroze invites us in this book to her new restaurant and has us discover over 60 original recipes specially created for Jòia.
Faithful as ever to the southwestern France of her childhood, through already iconic dishes like Uncle Claude's mussels, the famous short ribs of Angus beef, crispy potatoes with Basque sheep's-milk cheese and rosemary, wild mushroom's like at Amaïa's, new carrots roasted with manuka honey, mille-crêpes with matcha tea, madeleines with lemon and olive oil, Hélène Darroze enchants us through a unique alchemy that is her signature; a mixture of marvellous products cooked with a master's hand, sprinkled with love and tenderness. A gastronomy that resembles her: warm and generous.
De (auteur) : Hélène Darroze
Expérience de lecture
Avis des membres
Fiche technique du livre
- Genres
- Cuisine & Gastronomie , Cuisine des Chefs & des Stars
- 9782749162294
- Collection ou Série
- Format
- Grand format
- Nombre de pages
- 200
- Dimensions
- 270 x 212 mm
Nous sommes ravis de vous accueillir dans notre univers où les mots s'animent et où les histoires prennent vie. Que vous soyez à la recherche d'un roman poignant, d'une intrigue palpitante ou d'un voyage littéraire inoubliable, vous trouverez ici une vaste sélection de livres qui combleront toutes vos envies de lecture.
25,00 € Grand format 200 pages